When Breastfeeding Hurts – 10 Causes Of Painful Breastfeeding

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Poor Positioning At Breast

Many mothers experience pain while breastfeeding due to poor positioning of their baby at the breast. When the baby is not positioned well, it can lead to a poor latch, causing nipple pain and discomfort. This can also put the mother at risk of engorgement, blocked ducts, or even mastitis.

It is important to seek help from a lactation consultant or breastfeeding counselor to ensure proper positioning. They can provide guidance on how to position the baby correctly, achieve a good latch, and prevent future breastfeeding problems.


Another common cause of painful breastfeeding is engorgement. Engorgement occurs when the breasts become overly full and swollen with milk. This can happen if the baby is not breastfeeding frequently enough or if they are not latching on properly.

To alleviate engorgement, it is important to breastfeed frequently, ensuring that the breasts are emptied regularly. Applying warmth to the breasts before feeding can also help with milk flow. Cold application after feeding can reduce swelling and discomfort.


Vasospasm is a condition that can cause burning pain in the nipples. It often occurs after breastfeeding or when the nipples are exposed to cold temperatures. In vasospasm, the nipples may turn white and feel sore.

To manage vasospasm, it’s important to keep the nipples warm and protected from the cold. Applying warm compresses or wearing warm clothing can help alleviate the discomfort. If the pain persists, it is recommended to seek guidance from a healthcare professional.

Nipple Damage

Poor positioning and attachment of the baby to the breast can lead to nipple pain and damage. When the baby doesn’t latch on properly, it can cause soreness, cracks, and even bleeding of the nipples. Other factors such as a shadow latch or tongue tie can also contribute to nipple damage.

It is crucial to seek help from a lactation consultant or breastfeeding counselor to address nipple pain and damage. They can provide guidance on achieving a proper latch and offer techniques to promote healing and prevent further damage.


Mungkin terdapat banyak alasan mengapa menyusui dapat terasa sakit bagi seorang ibu. Dari posisi yang buruk di payudara hingga masalah seperti sumbatan saluran susu atau mastitis. Namun, dengan mengidentifikasi penyebab rasa sakit dan mencari bantuan dari konsultan laktasi atau konselor menyusui, banyak masalah ini dapat diatasi.

Penting bagi seorang ibu untuk merasa nyaman saat menyusui, dan rasa sakit yang berkepanjangan tidak boleh diabaikan. Dengan dukungan yang tepat dan intervensi yang sesuai, menyusui yang menyakitkan dapat diobati. Jadi, jika Anda mengalami rasa sakit saat menyusui, jangan ragu untuk mencari bantuan dan dukungan yang Anda perlukan.

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